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The Ignatian Way Blog

9 Rules of the 2nd Week of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola
translated from the original by Louis J. Puhl, SJ SE 328 Further rules for understanding the different movements produced in the soul....

Lenten Retreat: The Passion; Accompany Jesus Along the Way
This Lenten retreat contains 32 Gospel Meditations for 33 days. Each Meditation includes pericopes taken from the four Gospels.

"Come and See" Retreat: A 10-Week Directed Retreat Journey
A 10-Week Invitational to Journey in deepening your relationship with Christ through Prayer and Reflection ​​Retreat in Everyday Life...

The Rosary Retreat: An Ignatian Way of Contemplation on the Mysteries
In praying the Rosary, we come to remember Christ, learn from him, unify with him, pray to him, and proclaim him with Mary.

St. Ignatius' Beloved Mother, Our Lady of the Way
Madonna della Strada ( Our Lady of the Way) Painting located in the Gesu Rome, Italy Our Lady of the Way Patroness of Pilgrims Prayer to...

Contemplation on the Public Life of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark
In Ignatian Contemplation, we use the active imagination upon a particular event in Jesus' life.

Pray The Examen
The Examen is a prayer of daily reflection developed by St. Ignatius of Loyola more than five hundred years ago. It can help us see God’s h

Guidelines for An Ignatian Retreat Day
Ignatian Prayer Method For Retreats In Daily Life

The Way of Imagination in Prayer
In the Spiritual Exercises, St. Ignatius proposes meditating and contemplating Gospel scenes.

A Particular Examine: Growing in Virtue, Overcoming Vice Through Grace
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is...

The Colloquy : Lifting our Hearts and Minds to God
"The colloquy is made by speaking exactly as one friend speaks to another, or as a servant speaks to a master, now asking him for a...

14 Rules for Discernment of Spirits for the 1st Week of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius
Louis J. Puhl, SJ's translation from Original & Fr. Timothy Gallagher OMV's summary. SE 313 Rules for understanding to some extent the...
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