Gifts of Holy Spirit Pentecost
Directed Retreat
Table of Contents for Your Information
Introduction. 2
Preparing for Your Retreat. 4
Review of retreat guidelines and prayers 4
Your Retreat Mornings - Offering, Lectio, Reflection. 4
Prayer Period. 5
Notes. 6
What are the Gifts of the Holy Spirit?. 7
Where do we find these gifts the Scriptures?. 8
Old Testament. 8
The New Testament. 8
The Promises of Christ: Pre-Resurrection. 8
Post Resurrection. 10
The Book of Acts: Chapter 1. 10
The Book of Acts Chapter 2: The Wind and Fire for the Mission. 11
Example of Distributions of the Gifts. 12
Example in the ‘Old Testament 12
Example in the ‘New Testament 12
1 Corinthians Chapter 12: 1-11, 27-29. 12
Selections From Scripture on the Different Gifts. 13
Wisdom.. 13
St. Thomas Aquinas on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit*. 14
Intellect and Four Gifts. 14
Wisdom and Intellect. 14
Understanding and Intellect 15
Knowledge and Intellect. 15
Counsel and Intellect 15
Will and Three Gifts. 15
Piety and Will 15
Fortitude and Will 15
Fear of the Lord and Will 16
Faith, Hope, and Love. 16
When Do We Receive the Gifts?. 16
Reflecting on the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. 17
5 Ways of Reflecting on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. 18
Article: How do we know if we are hearing the voice of God.. 19
Who and what are we listening to?. 19
Faith & Reason in use. 19
Discernment & The Gifts*. 20
Ignatian Discernment. 20
Contemporary approaches to discernment. 20
See the blog post introducing the Pentecost Retreat ( I need to put in the link when it is posted)
The 7 Gifts
Examen and Particular Examine of Conscience
Ways of Prayer
Decide how often you both think best to meet with your directee
Sessions, as always, contain sharings of study and reflection questions as they desire