Karen Shields Wright, MS,DC,DM
My ministry practice focus, as an Ignatian-trained spiritual director, mentor, and former clinician, is cura personalis. It's listening with you (together with the Holy Spirit) on where you sense God is drawing you; and to share what I studied from the teachings and wisdom within the Church’s spiritual tradition. Moreover, I am here to help you understand how God designed us and to care for your body, as well as your soul, for giving glory to God in a life of prayer to discover God's desires for you to flourish in service with Christ.
Available for New Directees
International Time Zone Availability
Blessings to you and all you love,

Spiritual Director
As a Catholic, wife, mother, grandmother, businesswoman, and clinician, along with being a lifelong learner, I seek to bring my vocational experiences and skills to this ministry in service for Christ.
After researching studies on spirituality and health during my clinical years as a chiropractic physician, I went on to study Christian Spirituality and Spiritual Direction and moved into hospital chaplaincy and retreat work. After obtaining a certificate in Catholic Social Teaching, I taught and wrote about the intersection of those teachings and lay spirituality for a life as a contemplative in action.
Current Position
2003 to present Private Practice serving (virtually* since 2011 ) as Spiritual Director
2017 to present Spiritual Director & Mentor with Fairfield University's Murphy Center for Ignatian Spirituality
2022 to present Co-Founder of Our Lady of the Way, Ignatian Virtual Retreat Center
In 2011 I began working virtually with directees who were experiencing illness and since then,I have to continue working online with adult women and men, those who are gifted with health, and those who currently are not.
Education & Formation
Masters in Christain Spirituality: Fordham University’s Graduate School of Religion '98
Graduate Certificate in Spiritual Direction, Fordham University’s Graduate School of Religion '03
Certificate in Catholic Social Teachings - The Catholic Unversity of America '05
Doctor of Chiropractic New York Chiropractic College '80
Selected SD and CME
CME - Interpersonal Neurobiology - Mindsight Institute ('22)
"Advances in Mind-Body Medicine" Thomas Jefferson U. Sidney Kimmel Medical College ('22)
Programs of the Murphy Center for Ignatian Spirituality, Fairfield University ('17-'22)
Programs of the Office for Ignatian Spirituality (OIS) Eastern Provence ('19-'22)
CME "Advances in Integrative Nutrition" Thomas Jefferson U. Sidney Kimmel Medical College
"Handing on the Fire: Making Spiritual Direction Ignatian" w. Fr. Joseph Tetlow, SJ,
"Teaching of Discernment of Spirits" w. Fr. Timothy Gallagher
"Practicum in Giving the 19th Annotation" MCIS by Sr. Karen Doyle and Nan Bouche
"Fundamentals of Cognitive Behavior Therapy" Mass General Psychiatry Academy
"Stress Management and Resiliency Training " Mass General Psychiatry Academy
"Giving the Spiritual Exercises in the 19th Annotation Format to Others" Fr. Jame Bowler OIS
"Essentials of Palliative Care" Chaplaincy Program. California State University
Memberships & Listings​
Order of Malta – Dame of Magistral Grace
Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Foundaiton
American Chiropractic Association
Office of Ignatian Spirituality, Eastern Provence
College of Directors Murphy Center for Ignatian Spirituality
Area of Interest
The Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life, Discernment, Sharing the Ignatian Way, Prayer
Neurobiology, Mind-Body Medicine, Integrative Evidence-Based Wellness
Virtual and In-Person
Spiritual Director & Retreat Director
Wellness Consultant (separate professional services, yet integrated with a life of prayer)