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Christmastide Retreat: Bethlehem to Egypt to Nazareth

Dr. Karen Shields Wright

Continue along the Way of Mary and Joseph with Christ the King

10-Day Self-Directed or Directed Retreat

Based upon the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius

He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary

You may contact us for any questions on beginning this retreat, for being accompanied through it, or after for sharing your experience and reflections. Click (>) to open the content.

Preparing for Your Retreat

Review of Retreat Guidelines and Prayers

Links to Ways of Prayer

Night Before Preparations

Retreat Mornings - Offering, Lectio, Close, Reflection

Retreat Day Time - Recalling

Retreat Evenings - Examen, Journaling

Self-directed or Directed


Preparatory Prayers

The Preparatory period is a time for recollection to dispose ourselves rightly to begin with an offertory prayer and a petition for asking for the grace what we desire from the Lord based during upon the meditation exercise.

Offertory Prayer

Beginning your prayer period time, offer yourself to the Lord with St. Ignatius' “Take and Receive” prayer.

Take Lord, and receive all my liberty,

my memory, my understanding, and my entire will,

all that I have and possess.

Thou hast given all to me.

To Thee, O Lord, I return it.

All is Thine; dispose of it wholly according to Thy will.

Give me Thy love and Thy grace, for this, is sufficient for me.


Preparatory Prayer

“The preparatory prayer is to ask God Our Lord for the grace is that all my intentions ( wants and desires), actions, and operations (Interior mental activities), maybe order purely to the service in praise of the Divine Majesty” (SE 46).*

Write in your own words your intentions ­­­­­­­­­­for this retreat time __________________________________________________________________________________

Petitionary Prayer

Now, being situated within the mystery, after reading it the night before (or before each prayer period begins), we ask for what we desire from the Holy Spirit to reveal to us how we may go forth to meet the will of God.

Share your desires with the Lord for this day's retreat time. Write them down to review during your reflection time. _____________________________________________________________________________

Suggested Petitionary Prayer by St. Ignatius

Lord, grant me the grace of an "intimate knowledge of our Lord, who has become man for me, that I may love Him more and follow Him more closely." (SE 104)*

Write in your own words your petitionary prayer(s).



The Journey

In this beautiful liturgical season beginning with the Nativity of the Lord and ending with the Feast of the Epiphany , we also celebrate the Feasts of the Holy Innocents and The Feast of the Holy Family, and Solemnity of the Mother of God.

As we pray daily through these mysteries in this retreat, we find ourselves traveling through time and different places with the Holy Family: first to Bethlehem, then from there they fled to Egypt living as refugees, and when it was safe traveled even further in miles back home to Nazareth.

We are invited to take time to be within each mystery by placing yourself as you are there with them by composing each place while apply all of your interior senses. Ask yourself: Where are you in the scene? How am I here with them? What is God revealing to you in each time and place?

What do you desire to share with them on being there?

You are also invited to enter into and to consider the experiences of all those you come to meet in each of these mysteries. What was it like for them? How did they feel, what were their thoughts? Mary's experience. Joseph's experience. The Shepherds?

Consider what do want to say to Mary? to Joseph? to Jesus as He asks: "Who do you say that I AM? 

The Mysteries

The gospels were written as an account of time past so we may know the Good news now and for the future

Day 1: The Nativity. The Light of the World in Peace

Day 2: The Adoration of the Shepherds. I Proclaim to You Good News

Day 3: The Holy Child is Named. The Name Above All Names

Day 4: The Epiphany. Bringing Our Gifts  

Day 5: The Presentation. Awaiting the Consolation of Israel

Day 6: The Flight to Egypt. Obedience and Action

Day 7: Massacre of Holy Innocence. Lamentation

Day 8: Return From Egypt. Trust

Day 9 The Childhood of Jesus. Growing in Wisdom

Day 10: Finding Jesus in theTemple. Obedience in Discerning the Call

Gather the Graces: Review and savor God’s gifts to you during this Christmastide retreat by writing summary notes after each prayer period for your future reviews and for sharing with your spiritual director or with your faith-sharing group.

Look out for in our next retreat: we will begin with John the Baptist preaching, Jesus baptism, The 40 Days in the Desert, and the start of His ministry in Galilee.

*(SE#) All quotes are taken from The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius: based on Studies in the Language of the Autograph by Louis, J. Puhl. SJ. Scriptures taken from the USCCB website.

Our Lady of the Way, Pray for us!

For more information or to register for Spiritual Direction

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